which is to say, I

which is to say, I got 11+ hours of sleep last night, and that was just lovely.

I really wanted to do one more submission to the template contest, but it was not to be. I do still have this great idea, which maybe I’ll use for something else someday. who knows! but I did manage to submit 2 solid, passable templates, both of which work in the browsers I have to test with and validate as html 4.01. and it was good for me to work on something like that – a design with incredibly strict parameters (including my own rule that they validate) and a very short timeline.

and today was a solid productive day, too. I’m working on my personal development plan. god that makes me feel like a grownup. 🙂

  1. supervisory skills (because I have no idea what the hell I’m doing with an assistant)
  2. conflict management (because conflict is scary – see yesterday’s entry)
  3. project management (because there’s waaaaay too much to do – which is why I’m writing in my blog, right?)
  4. technical skills: PHP, database concepts, and XML (because I’m tired of being behind on the new stuff)

ah, lofty goals. tho I do hope I can get some of them done. wouldn’t that be something?