– five words or less (I link to this one because it links to many others)
everything is a story.
that may be the easy version.
I am afraid of forgetting.
that’s the difficult one. not less true, really, but perhaps a good explanation for the mindset of the first one. I write in order to remember. I distrust my memory. (are those additional versions of #2?)
in haiku format (suitable for including in burningbird’s “song”):
I am afraid I won’t remember
I write to ward off forgetting
everything becomes a story
(another part of myself, reading my wish to be included in the song, suggests this: “I want to belong” – which is perhaps the sad, sometimes hopeless version of stav’s 6-word story.)
now I’m going to go write an outline of my book so I can figure out how to take it apart & put it back together again. (yes, I did find some of my rewrites – some on disk, some on paper, some on weblog, but I’m not going to include them yet.)