I saw two things today that made me a little sad.
– To Make Them Monumental
– The story behind Robin McKinley’s Rose Daughter
The first stanza of the poem in the first link is pretty much where my head is right now, after having several dreams in the last week featuring someone I’d just as soon not be dreaming about. It’s not a good sign, I don’t think, that the dreams make me so happy.
There are only
so many people
that you
can talk to,
and they arent
It took you years
to uncover them
and then they disappear.
And then you disappear.
And the other McKinley Beauty & the Beast novel was a book that Thao gave me when we were precociously serious children. I haven’t seen Thao in so long. I sent her a postcard, a while after we moved, to what I thought was her mom’s address, but I haven’t heard from her. Maybe I’ll pick up a copy of Rose Daughter and send it to her, sort of the way she sent me Weetzie Bat when she found out that I’d gotten married.
Oh, and I went to see how to spell weetzie, I realized that I think I must’ve sold my copy of Beauty several moves ago…sigh. I was almost thinking about rereading that book, and I don’t own it, not even my old battered copy.