Today was a beautiful winter day, which here in my neck of the woods means mid-50s and sunny, after a week of rain and wind.
After a couple of late nights, I took the opportunity to sleep late, and for once the nice weather lasted past the early morning, which meant that I went out into the garden and redid, or finished redoing, one of my beds. It actually turned out cute, which is the first time I think I can say that about any gardening, even houseplants. One big unwieldy bed full of grass turned into three smaller ones, with the start of stone walls and a pebbled path. (Go glacial till…99% of it came from rocks we’ve found in the yard.) Put in a wooden edge too, cleaned out grass and weeds, and planted most of the bulbs. (Anemones need to soak 24 hours, and some of the allium will go in the other bed.) I took photos, even, I was so happy.
I started on the other bed by the patio, but burned out. 🙂 I think I’ll be moving most of the flowers to one end, and leaving the other end for herbs and some of the veggies. (Lettuce & arugula, I imagine, since they were so successful last spring.) But that’ll be for tomorrow, assuming the weather holds…as will the putting up of lights.
After gardening (and it was gardening and not yardwork!) I went for a bike ride, for the first time since my tube blew a couple of months back going further than the grocery store. I love that feeling of rolling, coasting, even pushing it up a hill. Getting the townie was one of the best things I’ve ever done.
On the other hand, the only bike gloves I have are fingerless, cause I bought them in the summer, and my fingertips about froze off.
Mid-ride, I stopped at the SF St. Bakery, got some sort of fruit/granola thing, and called “Kat”: which was nice too. I’m sort of a neglectful friend…I think it just makes me sad sometimes, being so far apart. But it’s good to talk anyway. At one point she said “I’m rambling” to which I could only reply, “But that’s why I call you.”