in a entirely different mood

Hand-pasted flier for a computer class at Fort Steilacoom Community College, circa 1984. Note the lovely Apple ][.

I found this flier while cleaning out my email…one of my colleagues made it, years ago. (Funny thing: I asked him if it was okay to post it here, and we got to chatting about computers. Three of all saying that we’d used “trash-80s”, and Ken said, “what, when you were like 12?” Um, yeah. Exactly 12…in my 7th grade typing/computers class.)

3 Replies to “in a entirely different mood”

  1. I had to wait until I was home teleworking to see this. The picture did not display on my Mac.
    Boy, it not only looks like an old computer, but a grungy old paste-up as well!


  2. P.S. Just noticed that this flyer is so old the college was still Fort Steilacoom Community College.

  3. Yeah, Dale said I should have a quiz to see if anybody could identify the school. 🙂

    Doesn’t display on your mac? I wonder why….

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