I’m working from Puyallup today; the last time I spent a day out here, I had to work in the little “district office” they have set up, which means using an underpowered computer in a windowless room, in between meetings.
Now there’s a new building (I should really link to the press release from here!), and it has this coffeeshop-type zone with comfy chairs & wifi. No actual coffee during the summer, but the space is still open, and comfortable, and I can use my laptop, where I know everything on it and about it.
Which means inbetween my meetings I can get some actual work done. What I’m really curious about, though, given the nice weather it looks like we’re getting, is how far *outside* the access goes: could I sit out in the “plaza” and still get online?!
I’m kinda psyched…might have to spend more days out this way. 🙂