the moon is full and so am I

tonight I feel awake.? today was, overall, a very good day, enough to redeem yesterday’s exhaustion and frustration and then some.

I even got back to my hotel to the Breakfast Club (already in progress, as they say), which I haven’t seen in years and just loved in high school.

the sessions today were engaging, lunch was excellent, and I had a very nice evening with H. she had to go to the Austin Organic Gardening Club meeting…but I ended up with a nice little rosemary plant and learned something about water policy in Texas.? (short version: outdated and bizarre.)? then we went to dinner at Magnolia Cafe South, where I had that lovely omlette a few days ago.? magnolia enchiladas: cheese, avocado, olives, and tomatoes.? yum.? I even succumbed to the craving for dessert, and we split brownie ala mode, apparently with blue bonnet ice cream, the best in Texas, according to H.

I feel sated now, both gastronomically and emotionally.? I’m going to sessions tomorrow, and I don’t leave until Wednesday afternoon, but already I feel satisfied.? (definitely looking forward to lunch with Andrea, though.)