open source management

was originally going to be called “vulnerability” — but trying to ease people/corps into honest.
charlise theron is in the building?!

want to run it like a talk show. heather gold as host. big frustration: trying to be herself or not being herself at work. not go into “drag” at 9am. (indeed!)

david callisch, ruckus wireless, history with startups.

michalski, used to edit esther dyson’s release 1.0? aw, cares a lot about trust.

giovanni rodriguez. senior vp at eastwick pr. background in theater. callisch is one of his clients.

mark glaser, with pbs. mediashift.

heather is laying on the floor, so as to sound like the voice of god.

cathy brooks, the other girl, because “all boys isn’t any fun” great chicken matzoh soup. funny interaction with meri. gefilte fish: like hot dogs for fish?!

help mark think about what he’s trying to do….

“we have this problem, and we haven’t solved it” their product is a box that does tv over wifi, but they sell to telcos. want to connect to people, to have us/them pressure the telcos?

“why can’t they sell it directly to us?” — because they can’t handle the support issue.

comment: I think you should change your business model. if you were selling it to me, I’d buy it. long story about home networking, etc., etc. and the content isn’t available directly to you.

lots more questions….

paul: analogies to audio, if I buy your product by way of my phone company then I have to suck it with whatever they do.

league of technical voters woman: I totally didn’t catch this.

the carriers own my mom?

worst of two models: like a new channel AND like a more technical tivo.

meri fscking cracks me up. you’re missing the tivo step: recruiting the early adopters.

I think they’re a lost cause. like the ipod w/out itunes. but the ipod went for a while w/out itunes….

where is iptv working? anywhere outside the US! italy, spain, hong kong, etc., etc.

brooks is not sure about who their web site is talking to.? not sure where the audience is.

registering people with zip codes, getting kewl bloggers to play with some version of it.? hard to prove demand with something that doesn’t exist.

it’ll be on sourceforge in like 2 weeks.

cheap marketing by way of nerds.? get it in the hands of low-maintenance — bored, nerdy, etc. — users.? waiting for home wifi until all the ISPs thought it might be a good idea.

because the business in curtains in front of tables will be harmed?!

heather asks if they can give away 10 to nerds here.? will people commit, hell, I’ll do it.? if C & I can make it go, then anybody can.
these days a lot of VCs, the smarter ones, are open to this sort of thing.

simon: worried about where you’re heading, has seen this sort of thing.? telcos are late adopters, in a marketspace that’s about to be owned by apple (itunes).? people in this room would love to get ahold of your stuff.? “most nasty…industry”? (re: telco!)

municipal wifi networks & public access?

ILECs all have their own research going on.? (dude, R should totally be here.) cable tv people are perhaps the right people.

they’re just trying to solve that one little problem of wifi tv w/in the home.? I remain skeptical.

current tv.? also google video? youtube?? the actual tv channels are interested.

he wants to see how to use the new media stuff to get the buzz.

bashir of lyceum.? (media genius)? if you’ve told your investors that you want to wait until we’re like italy or korea.? moms can use airport express, but there isn’t one for video.? if you don’t want to do that, that’s fine.

would like to talk more generally about opening up management.

heather sez they’re trying to show not tell.

I jumped up and said something, about the accreditation process, and people talking whether they know the facts or not.? which wasn’t what I really wanted to say.

what david came thinking about was open source management: does your audience/customers like your board, locations; do your people vote on what products should get produced, etc.

derek becomes non-anonymous.? doesn’t like TV.

would it have been different if the CEO or whoever had been here?? yes.? getting the connection between us & them is “like climbing a mountain”

brooks worked on a startup w/out transparency and was prsenting to the board the business they thought the board wanted instead of the one they could do.

glaser: more of a big deal for the pr folks.? um, yeah.? “how can we persuade people to buy this crap” vs. bringing people into the process.

vulnerability & transparency: huge issues going forward, “what the hell are you doing?!” surowecki.? open space technology meeting?

appropriate credit?? something to think about….

simon: suggestions: asterisk in the pbx market; mythtv community; transparency is the key, his co’s president is blogging out in the open; people don’t contribute to open source unless it’s worth their while somehow.

mba student & marketer: thank you!? a cool company.? would rather work for someone willing to do this.

comment: reminsicent of the 0-advertising threadless panel yesterday.

heather will be blogging, possibly while laying on the floor.