today was back to work.? my email load was somewhere upwards of 500, but at least half of that was in spam, and a good quarter in some sort of discussion about parking woes during building construction.? (so glad to have a vanpool, with a reserved spot even.)
it was a relatively light day, on purpose, trying to get back into my routine.? what I’d really like is to give my routine a little jolt from all this mind-expandingness.
yesterday when we were out biking, we ran into somebody in town, and I was talking about my trip, and he said that I looked the “sparkliest” (I think that was the word) that he’d seen me in a long time.? I don’t want to lose that feeling!
although life seems to conspire against one…looks like our furnace went out this morning.? C has been handling it, for which I am very grateful.? it sucks to try to coordinate that sort of thing from here.? hopefully it won’t be so expensive as to preclude any opportunity of going to SXSW next year. 😉
my blog traffic seems to have settled down as well, from the dizzying highs of Shelley’s link to my notes back to about the usual numbers.? (damn that measure map for being so addictive!)? tonight C is going to a friend’s kid’s basketball game, so I’m going to try to finish summaries of my notes and post them as a clump.
I think I need to hide my lunch somewhere on campus everyday so I have a reason to get up and walk to wherever I left it.? because it’s not like I was super-active during the days of the conference, but I did have to at least walk far enough to get lunch.
honestly, for all that the pre-conference blogs talked about gaining weight and such, I think I was in the best health habits I’ve had in a long time.? it was a consious choice.? I rented a bike, and I used it.? didn’t drink any soda, although I had (incredibly good) lemonade on my gardening day and a number of mochas.? tried to go for fruit as much as possible.? no seconds.? and I only had dessert twice.
which had an interesting side effect…the cookie I had at Halcyon wasn’t particularly memorable, but the brownie ala mode at Magnolia Cafe South?? that is a dessert I will remember for the rest of my life.? it stood out so perfectly, the molten hot brownie contrasted and soothed by the vivid vanilla ice cream.