never bet on the weather

I’m mildly embarrassed by my bragging to Elizabeth and Mom on Friday about how nice the weather has been and how lovely Procession of the Species was going to be.

Because, yes, it rained most of yesterday.? Mysteriously, the skies cleared just as the parade was about to begin, but I’d already decided not to go.

Instead, we spent most of the rainy day in the yard, putting in beds, planting, etc.? It looks quite tidy on the south side of the house now, plus we set up a couple of rain barrels, because it won’t do this forever.

No rain today, even, although it’s much chillier than it was all last week.? I woke to fog outside my window, with the neighbor’s still bare tree looming in the grey.? Our aspens are just starting to leaf out, which means I need to get some aphid-eating bugs ASAP, before the aphids have a chance to come back and get a foothold…or the front yard will be uninhabitable all summer.

I’m going to outside in a bit and do some more work in the garden, and then ride downtown to the farmer’s market to pick up some veggies…and maybe some more plants!

…assuming that the weather holds….