not that my work is great shakes, but this is one part of why I don’t much submit to contests. the visual factor is less important than getting people to the right service/info.
“the reasons to support local food economies could not be any more hardheaded or pragmatic” — nothing especially new to readers of the Omnivore’s Dilemma, but still well-put.
stainless steel
‘Only emotion endures.’ I’m shocked (“shocked, I tell you!”) to discover that the first half of this essay really speaks to me: the concept of the spare but expressive free verse poem. the 2nd half, alas, devolved into the bloviating that I remember so w
this, by contrast, is nothing but irritating. what can I take from it? could I write with that blustering man-poet voice? or what is my own equivalent?
free fonts are always good. (big thanks to Pat Ramsey.)
a pretty reasonable sampling. I find I like the shorter descriptive poems, the ones with a more Chinese styling to them. the faux-medieval poems, esp. the long ones, get on my nerves, as does his writing in the american colloquial style.
“The Cornell study represents a potential bombshell in the autism debate.” holy crap. (personal history note: we got cable in 1984 or so. until Dad died, most TV was verboten on weekdays.)