I have spent most of the week with a cold, alas, giving me the freaky Doctor Girlfriend voice. Which means I’ve mostly been coming home and going to bed by 8 p.m. And one of my new co-workers expressed some surprise — having not noticed my coughing, apparently — at my energy given the cold. She thought I just had a deep voice. In normal situations, I can’t hit this voice even by trying.
The building is really nice, practically brand new, and pretty well designed at that. It’s straightforward enough that I can get my head around it right away…whereas there are still rooms that I’m not sure where they are at Pierce.
I’m not going to say a whole lot more about work, per my usual modus operandi. But I will add that my first day was (coincidentally?) the same as my new department’s holiday party. Which meant lunch and bowling! Seriously: bowling! Which I’ve done exactly twice before, once in high school (somebody’s birthday party) and once in college (a whim of Dizzy’s, IIRC), so…I bowled like a little kid, standing legs apart and swinging to roll it down to the pins. Freakishly, I managed to get a strike with this method.
And of course the shorter commute is rocking. C has dropped me off & picked me up every day except for tonight, partially to be nice, partially because of my cold. That takes about 15 minutes. (20 if we go to Starbucks.) I took the bus home tonight, and that took about 35, 40 minutes.
While I rode home, I read the Square Foot Gardening book that I bought on Monday with a gift card (from my birthday!!!) from Aunt Susie. I’m thinking of my garden-to-be, the vegetables that I’ll be eating all the way on the other side of the year.
From today it gets lighter. Cliche, but true. The next time we get a break in the weather on the weekend, I need to go out into the yard and get some serious work done in preparation for spring. I know, it’s only the first day of winter, but still…it goes so fast, and I want to be ready.