some good ideas here.
something useful to remember
looking at ways to be more organized via my mda
this one looks really nice. (why do all the windows mobile apps cost?)
this one syncs with a desktop program. ::shrug::
a web service with a mobile view. probably less useful.
why yes, I am feeling behind on tasks in my personal life. why do you ask? 😉
OMG. I need one of these. Or at least when we redo the bathroom, to get crayons that write on tileboard.
my gmail is a freaking mess
trippy. it seems to me like there should be a catch, but I don’t (yet) know what that would be.
doesn’t make it work any better, just makes it easier to read. I’ve written a few bits of fugly code that could (have) benefit(ted).
decent list of free/pay font management programs