The time change is like all the crappy parts of jet lag without getting to go anywhere.
I went to my doctor to talk about adjusting medication, and discovered that I was her second-to-last appointment ever, before she goes to California. I promptly burst into tears. (Sacramento State students? Go to the health center and ask for Dr. Cindy! She’s fabulous.)
I was a technical reviewer for Shelley’s Powers’s new book, Adding Ajax. When it comes out, you should buy it, if you like that sort of thing. Chapter Eight was particularly fun, and Chapter One (I think) had an awesome take on web standards. Good stuff. I learned a lot, and I’m looking forward to putting it into practice.
My mother broke her right arm in two places (hairline fractures) at work yesterday. She’s okay; was remarkably cheerful when I talked to her on the phone mid-day yesterday.
I restart therapy tomorrow with a new therapist. I’m nervous.
I planted veggie seeds for indoor starts yesterday. The outside beds are not quite yet ready. The crocuses have already bloomed and gone; the daffodils are in bloom now. I can’t really believe it.
As usual, I have too much to do and nowhere near enough time to do it.
Today has been a good day. There haven’t been a lot of good days lately. As I rode my bike homeward, I passed a flowering tree that was in full bloom, gorgeous white blossoms. And I thought: okay, maybe it is good to be alive.