goddamn it…requires PHP 5. someday, then.
beautiful prose-poem-like writing. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen parents biking with kids to school around here. (seems like only the jr high kids bike.)
unfortunately hysterical.
you can have my PS2 when you pry it out of my cold dead hands. ๐ aside: XBox has always had too-big controllers for my small quasi-arthritic hands, and mostly we just use the PS2 for watching movies.
Each URL has the form: http://view.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/// — from the almost-nothing I know about RDF, that seems very RDF-like.
C has lamented the firefox/mac behavior.
OMG, somebody took all the open game license stuff and put it into MySQL. if only I had time to do something about it.
from Kermix. am watching movie right now, so maybe in the morning before work?