includes a lovely downloadable flier.
what a bizarre idea. I am SO not comfortable with the idea of using JS (on someone else’s site!) to create a layout.
trippy stuff. the map of the US is well worth a look.
focus, don’t multitask, eat well, sleep well, exercise, and change your “automatic thoughts” — he calls it changing the stories you tell yourself, but the other way of putting it works for me. (go cognitive behavioral therapy!)
Hmmm. I think I probably have some negatives in one of my boxes, but this is more to the point for Mom/Elizabeth or Aunt Susie, both of whom have many years (decades?!) worth of negatives.
interesting. looks like they’re Trabian’s first rollout of their “give with us” project.
I suck at estimating. There, I said it.
I totally don’t have the mental focus to go through this now. Later.
cute. I wonder how it compares, minute-wise, to the TMo 411 charge.
for HTML email.
I’m not seeing that shift myself, but this has given me food for thought.
among other things, he mentions that he’d love it if his bank used OpenID!
Great pic of the Getty Center by Elizabeth — who got sent by her work, lucky girl!