additional silliness from Kermit. good for a giggle.
Neat! My wish list: an address entry box, which I don’t know if that’s any good outside the US, but sure would make it faster to use. (Oh, hey, he just changed the starting point from UK to North America & Europe all at once.)
“Only WinZip 10 or 11, however, can extract files from the resulting archive” — meager. ran into this at work.
oh, hey. that really is useful. (missing an argument? says where function was declared AND where function was called.)
very nicely done. I love diagrams!
comes with a nice glossary, too.
fun & useful!
yeah, everybody & their cousin is posting this. (this article via Zeldman, btw) I have some amorphous thought that I would like to expand on, but haven’t got it ready yet.
I don’t need this very often, but when I need it, I really need it.