sunday scribblings: I just don’t get it

I was going to start an all-new blog post, but I saw this title in my draft list and just had to use it! Because…

I don’t get it: wtf is up with the weather?! SNOW. Yes, really, in the last week of March. The latest I think I ever remember seeing snow around here was 2 years ago when it was snowing when I left for SXSW; so that would’ve been in the 1st week of March. Usually, if we get snow at all, the latest it shows up is like mid-February.

It hasn’t been a LOT of snow, but it’s definitely snow. Started yesterday near the end of the work day with huge fat flakes…of course on the one day all week that I had to drive. Grrr. Mostly melted by dark, but got up this morning to a fine dusting over all the non-concrete/asphalt surfaces. The clouds are big & gnarly this morning, too, so I wouldn’t be surprised if there was more.

Usually, I love snow. I’m silly about it. But for the love of $DEITY. It’s almost April; I would really appreciate some spring about now.

I did take some pics yesterday; I hope some of them turned out good, because I really want to post them. Snow on the emerging TULIPS. On the daffodils is bad enough, but tulips mean real honest-to-god the weather’s about to get really nice spring.

(Pat Ramsey twittered that they’re getting 70+ degree weather down in the Austin area, for which I could totally kick him. I would’ve really like to have been in on that kind of weather when I was down there. But no. I got pouring rain. Grumble grumble grumble.)