Cook’s Illustrated recommends (just barely) Columela, Lucini Italia, and Colavita.
photos from our friends Steve & Paula, world travelers extraordinare! (now teaching English in Turkey, apparently heading next to the Czech Republic.)
IOW, we are totally screwed.
my favorite meal to cook these days is steak or chicken with Johnnies seasoning salt on cast iron, plus a huge salad. extra-perfect for game night, as I can keep playing while taking 2-minute breaks to sear, turn, etc., plus the gang loves it.
ye gods & little fishes. but in a good way.
the recipe book is pretty genius. (could also be used for D&D?) and we’ve used binder clips as chip clips for years now.
I don’t have lemon zest, but I do have asparagus at home, so I think I’m going to make it tonight anyway!
I need to find a copy of this poster that isn’t beat to sh*t. Really. Seriously.