Pedaling Revolution: How Cyclists Are Changing American Cities

Pedaling Revolution: How Cyclists Are Changing American Cities

author: Jeff Mapes
name: Elaine
average rating: 3.95
book published: 2009
rating: 3
read at: 2009/08/20
date added: 2009/09/03
shelves: bicycling, economics, environmentalism, history, non-fiction, politics, urban-studies
A nice little survey of the state of transportational cycling in the US by a Portland (OR) journalist. Looks at some of the major figures in the field (thus my earlier note about Forrester, who really does come off as an elitist jerk), and particular cities: NYC, Davis CA, and of course Portland. 🙂 Nothing super-new, but gives one a bit of hope for the future of cycling.