author: Guy Gavriel Kay
name: Elaine
average rating: 4.15
book published: 2010
rating: 5
read at: 2010/09/06
date added: 2010/09/15
shelves: fantasy, fiction
Awesome, as always. Kay remains pretty much my favorite fantasy author ever, or at least in the top 5. Fascinating story with lots of twists & turns, vivid setting (a fantasy China/Mongolia), and complex compelling characters. Plus: ghosts! assassins! warrior monks! palace intrigue! spooky stuff! Devoured the whole book in about a day, which is probably a little crazy; in my defense, it was a sick day. Sometimes his endings are painful, this one splits the difference with both happiness & melancholy.
C just finished it yesterday, and as he notes, it’s also great fuel for my still-developing Central Asia-based game world, up to and including the inside-cover map. 🙂