- Zen and the Art of Stash Diving – Crochet Me
pretty scarf. seems like a good reason to learn crochet. (either that or buy one from Aden?)
- White, male startup companies get funding for being white and male. | Geek Feminism Blog
"In other industries—and if uttered by someone without a university education—people would call it “sexismâ€, “racismâ€, and “ageismâ€, but not in the technology venture-capital industry" — also, amused by the "Remington Steele" suggestion in the comments.
- Make Photoshop Faster: 2 little tips to help speed up the tool web designers love to hate.
2nd tip doesn’t matter for CS4 on Windows, at least. will be curious to see if the 1st one helps.
- The Great Typekit Table – Sleepover
fonts that may be suitable for long blocks of text.
- How to use @font-face to avoid faux-italic and bold browser styles | Metal Toad Media
I’m working on something that could use this, and it doesn’t work right on this computer. review later.
- Sticky Notes with CSS3 : accidental hacker
pretty, although I’m not thrilled by the empty div used to create the "tape" effect.
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