- @MarkMessinger broken link re runaway spending? (Took me to fandango site!) in reply to MarkMessinger #
- I wish I felt better. my bike's been locked up in the stairwell for a week, and it's not raining right this minute. but I still feel lousy. #
- @rogue_3 all right, it should be propagating through their network. #
- @rogue_3 thanks! (you saved me some hunting around.) in reply to rogue_3 #
- @rogue_3 hm, I had no idea, and I'm not getting them either. (sigh) in reply to rogue_3 #
- @notlikenormal ::shrug:: people are weird that way, unfortunately. in reply to notlikenormal #
- @notlikenormal altho this http://goo.gl/uGKBA & http://goo.gl/Uig9T seems more understandable. (not wanting to hurt by accident.) in reply to notlikenormal #
- @notlikenormal whoa. I mean, really? REALLY? in reply to notlikenormal #
- @sharistorm and I don't even have kids. in reply to sharistorm #
- @sharistorm that 2nd study was abt being bugged @ HOME. boggles me. when I'm not at work, and it's not ON FIRE, leave me alone. in reply to sharistorm #
- @spaceninja hey, I just realized I need to add that! I'm interested in what you hear. (Am going to try 9 & see if that fixes something.) in reply to spaceninja #
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