- @rogue_3 protip: create your effect on a bare sample page before attempting to incorporate into a finished design. (sez painful experience) in reply to rogue_3 #
- dammit, my oatmeal in the office fridge was starting to turn. yes, it was there before I got sick. but I am hungry. (no, I did not eat it.) #
- @rogue_3 http://jquery.malsup.com/cycle/ in reply to rogue_3 #
- @rogue_3 sorry, not much for modal windows. I <3 Cycle for slideshows in general, tho; I suppose u could modal-ize it. in reply to rogue_3 #
- @godlessgirl like old ladies bitching about things? you should come to my friends of the library meetings. :\ #ilovethem #butsrsly in reply to godlessgirl #
- @myerman my sisters and I had lots & lots of both. good times. sorta. #weWereFighty in reply to myerman #
- @myerman now I wish I'd bought it when I saw it at the store. (selling for $155+!) #
- @myerman oh, and here's that checkpoint: http://www.amazon.com/Playmobil-3172-Security-Check-Point/dp/B0002CYTL2 (damn funny reviews) in reply to myerman #
- @myerman Playmobil is German; Lego is Danish. #knowYourEuroToys http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Playmobil http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lego in reply to myerman #
- @myerman dunno if they still have it, but there was at one point an airport checkpoint playmobil set. for real. in reply to myerman #
- @myerman @incslinger ahhhhh, it's not Lego. (not that I don't love me some Playmobil, but dude. Not. Lego.) in reply to myerman #
- @hydeandgeek @instant_netflix argggggh. I was just working my way back through Firefly again. in reply to hydeandgeek #
- @myerman nice solution, actually. (family are fun!) in reply to myerman #
- @myerman bummer. some people are just extra work, I guess. :\ (flickr "email this" embeds img in msg, fwiw.) in reply to myerman #
- @myerman on the plus side, presumably that makes him less prone to phishing. in reply to myerman #
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