- xkcd on homeownership: http://xkcd.com/905/ (I'm not saying a word.) #
- #mefi #webbies, anybody got a concise answer for this question: http://ask.metafilter.com/187222/Whats-wrong-with-using-hashbangs-in-URLs #
- @dylanw whew indeed. in reply to dylanw #
- @Oakwright for one movie they had to pick all the oranges off the tree in the front yard & block off the palm tree across the street. in reply to Oakwright #
- @Oakwright fun personal fact: my mother's house in southern CA has been in several movies/tv shows, at least once as midwest location. #
- @Oakwright there's still time. 🙂 in reply to Oakwright #
- @Oakwright gotcha. I'm fascinated with geotagging of things that are actually about location. in reply to Oakwright #
- @Oakwright how so? (it's for http://ridiculousbikeparking.com/) in reply to Oakwright #
- #wordpress experts: I'm looking for a plugin to add location to posts, be able to aggregate posts onto big map. #
- looking at scrawled notes from friday after bike ride. hope I can translate this into actual code. it was brilliant at the time. :\ #
- @kermix23 treatment of mycroft & sib rivalry is esp brilliant. (I can only imagine ERN is very amused.) all in all: YAY SHERLOCK. in reply to kermix23 #
- @kermix23 never thought anyone would take Jeremy Brett's place in my heart, but OMG. 😉 and all the updated details as just right. in reply to kermix23 #
- @kermix23 it just wasn't as *weird* as I was expecting, honestly. but in general I'm loving the series. Clever writing, great acting. in reply to kermix23 #
- @kermix23 or at least that's where my brain went. But I have v high standards for anything holmes-related. in reply to kermix23 #
- @kermix23 enjoyed all 3 eps, a bit disappointed w/denouement of 1st. A bit of "I spent the last few yrs developing immunity to iocane", no? in reply to kermix23 #
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