- #dnd kitten! Why yes, kittens do make for distraction. http://moby.to/m1ig34 #
- @kitchenmage that is entirely WTF…I got nothin', that's just crazy. in reply to kitchenmage #
- @kitchenmage fraud? in reply to kitchenmage #
- @rogue_3 I was really bummed to read this over the weekend: http://t.co/GRfFPc6 "high-resolution simulations suggest more low clouds" in reply to rogue_3 #
- looking at weatherspark graphs…only 11 days in all of July at or above the average, and it's been colder than average pretty much all yr. #
- @shelleypowers ooof. Here's to cooler weather for everybody east of here. in reply to shelleypowers #
- @davereid I would say so. http://t.co/l92sZNl in reply to davereid #
- @alisonandersox Twin Peaks is actually a big part of why I moved here in '92. (really, if only because OMG TEH TREES.) in reply to alisonandersox #
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