author: Lorraine Massey
name: Elaine
average rating: 4.34
book published: 2001
rating: 3
read at: 2011/08/19
date added: 2013/02/14
shelves: non-fiction, self-help, health, own
I’ve been letting my hair grow out, and I’m trying to treat it right; snapped this book up when I saw it at the library. Mostly skimmed, might take another read-through before I take it back, to try some of the “recipes” for hair stuff or hairdos. Basically, I should be treating my (wavy) hair like one of my wool sweaters. 🙂 After a couple of days experimenting, I’m liking the way my hair looks/feels so far.
The writing tone is not particularly to my tastes, although at least most of the directions and photography are fairly clear. I also wish there was more information on kinds of haircuts that look good on different kinds of hair.
There’s a companion CD, which I haven’t yet looked at.
edit: purchased the earlier edition of this book (used) summer 2012.