The Weather of the Pacific Northwest

The Weather of the Pacific Northwest
author: Cliff Mass
name: Elaine
average rating: 4.11
book published: 2008
rating: 4
read at: 2009/09/15
date added: 2013/02/14
shelves: environmentalism, history, non-fiction, read-again, science, reference, local, own
Cliff Mass is the go-to guy for weather in this region; I’ve been reading and enjoying his blog for a while. This book is an amazing compilation of just about everything weather in the Pacific NW. Learned lots and lots about how our geology affects the weather, as well as some good basic meteorology, the physics of clouds, etc. Has a great chapter on understanding what you see in the sky, and doing some amateur prediction of your own.

Fascinating history, too, with lots of the disaster storm stuff that’s just crazy to read; the book is new enough that it even has the windstorms of ’06 and the flooding of ’07, but also includes amazing weather events all the way back into the 19th century.

Oh, and plenty of beautiful/weird pictures and helpful graphics.

A bit dense in places, but overall fantastic. I want a copy of my own!

edit: received as Christmas gift from Mom. (2011?)