on content authorship
what skills are needed?
align tools with tasks
oh hey, COPE guy (formerly NPR, now Netflix), also Karen McGrane.
technology as an enabler, not a decision-maker
trying to separate content management and presentation management
yay, rant about CMS vendors. “don’t get caught up in the myth of in-context editing” AN interaction, certain types of need, but doesn’t address all the needs. not a critical requirement!
there are complex tasks than need to happen, but have been made overly complicated, can’t oversimplify them either.
ah… *digital* beyond web and mobile. (I was sort of hoping for a discussion of non-digital outlets. that remains a big issue for us.)
what would an API for our content look like? Is there anything (ie, list of ALL THE THINGS) we can reuse from those consultants?
audience Q about print: ok, they haven’t even started getting into that. (she’s meeting with them this month. funny.)
“content lifecycle scenarios” (she hasn’t been impressed by ANY available off-the shelf CMS options re: separating presentation & content.)