Modular Content

I met these folks earlier today. Nice people, sounds like they’re doing interesting stuff.

Wow. This is pretty intense. Also, they PREPARED CONTENT AHEAD OF TIME.

This is almost more than I can handle right now. I don’t even.

It’s a bit like what I’ve been doing with content types, but even more so.

Like I want a whole day of playing with this. Because right now it makes my brain hurt.

Blocks with data definitions is apparently the key.

They have a handout!

Wow, that’s a hell of a diagram.

“Blockhead” (index block? is that like the calling-page index block? it must be.) knows which blocks have been included, and then there’s a region in the template that adds the right css/js. THIS IS AWESOME.

I’ve done so much knitting today that I may have accidentally made my cover too big. :\

Boggling. Really, truly boggling.

There’s a block that does a bunch of configuration stuff. It reminds me a LOT of theme settings in Drupal, but with a bit more detail.

Also, using a block with a data definition for the Contact block?!

Wait, is this per page?! OMG. (Everything about this is OMG.)

If you combine what they’re doing with the configuration (etc) blocks with applying XSLT to a template, you could get something pretty trick.

I will compare this session to the one I saw at a Drupal thing in West Seattle where poplarware (Jennifer) talked about CCK (and maybe views, I don’t remember), as in: a bunch of stuff clicked at once and I could start to really understand how to do stuff.