nice upgrade!

a few nice touches in the 1.2 beta of wordpress, mostly in the administrative features. the moderation in particular is improved, or at least I’m assuming it is. (normal visitors, there’s a much greater chance that your comment will just go straight through, while spams will continue to be held for my furious deletion.)

as promised, here’s my thoughts on upgrading:

# you *must* delete your old folder. I don’t know why, but there it is. so…
# first, back up the database. there’s a script kicking around to do that really easy, but I found it pretty simple to do in phpmysqladmin.
# then, back up the whole current folder of your WP install. this is necessary to preserve any template changes or other hacks (I don’t have any hacks in mine, so I can’t really speak to that).
# unzip the new version.
# open wp-config-sample.php and put in your old information. save the file as wp-config.php
# delete your old folder.
# upload the new version.
# run upgrade.php.
# delete upgrade.php and install.php.
# redo your template tweaks.

I’ll try to write this out a little more completely in the next day or so. as it is, it’s getting late and I haven’t had any dinner…and I need to see what’s thawing in my fridge.

2 Replies to “nice upgrade!”

  1. yay! (now I just need to wait for the spammers to see what happens.)

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