came in late, or they started early.
lawver had good stuff about building a standards support team. I wish Deirdre was still around. š fun, management liasion. should talk to Dale about this, to start something on a statewide basis, maybe in connection with WaSP etf?
netscape/aol guy feels lots of empathy for the opera guys.
kim sez: providing good tools for creating good markup provides good feelings…you’re making their lives easier. roll your own training program? hrm. 2nd mention of “brown-bags.” identify experts/believers and pair them with others not quite there. even to the point of seating charts!
perestroika. learn to speak their language.
is this whole panel AOL-Netscape-TimeWarner people?
give folks a daily reading list, examples. (ah, the Zen Garden.)
oh, that’s the Slayer Office guy. his color palette creator is one of my absolutely essential tools.
fun thing, create your own internal zen-garden-esque moments.
let your people play on company time. time to play means time to learn.
don’t stay silent. “nothing bad will happen to you”
have the group so you can pass the torch, work in pairs, etc. guerilla redesigns…the first one was a nightmare, because they weren’t constructive. don’t call anyone’s baby ugly.
bandwidth math helps…a number with a comma in it.
he (lawver) uses drupal for organizing group. pick off people from other groups to infect, plant people.
when you screw up, apologize, say you were trying to help, and make it better.
show don’t tell.
who is this frickin’ guy? blah blah blah, white coats, other standards, widgets, yadda yadda.
the only thing you need to say is: it’ll save time.
Meri. what about work only done by outside vendors? goes back to finding high-value targets: the person who writes contracts. that’s why I insisted on that in the webadmin guidelines! I need to make sure that’s being followed up on.
Jeremy Keith. what about working with the wider web? vying to be the coolest developers. does transparency help? “maybe they’ll come work for me someday”
becomes both an internal & external tool. (talking about netscape devedge)
what about working with tools that are harder to get standards-compliant, accessible? particular reference to .net. (oy) “if there’s a huge technology investment…you have your work cut out for you. […] good luck with that.” (fsck.)
eric (meyer?). having teams compete in making pages smaller was very helpful. if the teams like each other.
this panel is the one that gave me the most to do later….
who is this frickinā guy? blah blah blah,
Marc Canter.
(Oh, and the Netscape guy was Arun Ranganathan, I think.)