asset mgmt in d8

co-lead of scotch initiative

assets = js, css

asking how many ppl are using sass etc in d7, not much happiness tho.

strange thing for me is that I haven’t done any theme dev (like, at all) in D7, so everything I know is D6 still.

assetic is a php library, part of symphony (sp?)

“the way we’ll do this in core … we’ll see how we’ll do this in core.” (!)

assetic in twig (haven’t done anything w/twig yet)

I can’t read the code at all from here. 🙁

nice unification of *stuff*

can tell where/how values (?) were set

assetbag (?!) — so a bunch of stuff that goes together

instead of weight, declare what it depends on, jquery etc

displayed a variety of ways that these things might be integrated into Drupal. looks COOL, but not sure how/when it’s going to happen.