I’ve missed a couple of weekly posts, and as it turns out, late May is one of the times when the garden goes wild.
The first lupins have started to go to seed, as have the first California poppies. But we have enough of both plants that they’re still going strong.
What else is blooming?
Red creeping thyme
Lemon theme
Blue star creeper
The fall-fruiting raspberry
One of the tomatoes has its first blossom.
The daisies in fullest sun are on the verge of flowering, same with the allium.
The blueberry is heavy with berries, though they’re all still green. The summer raspberry is starting to look the same.
The grapes are still unfurling out across the yard, although this year we’ve taken the precaution of training them up onto sawhorses, and hopefully will be building them some sort of arbor. The vines are thick with nubs of future grapes. (Is there a word for that? They certainly don’t look like flowers!)
I’ve bought a bunch of starts, too: sage and pineapple sage, curly oregano, pineapple mint, lemon verbena, artichoke, lemon cucumber, artichoke, zinnias, snapdragons, and a marigold.
I’ve also been working on keeping a sense of definition in my garden areas. In the back, that means keeping the paths mowed. In the front, it means restacking some little rough walls.
All in all, it’s been making the garden a much nicer place to be.