nice inclusion of pokemon in screenshot of the tool.
like terrapass, but more focused on the tree-planting, and also looking at all aspects of individual carbon-generation. (18 trees, more or less, btw.)
set a chair out for the neighbors to let know it’s okay for them to use yr network.
terrifying & depressing. only media to look smart? one of the sports guys of my childhood: “I was a sports reporter, so I was used to dealing with numbers”
best. trick. ever.
I have a vague sense that this could be useful, but I’m not sure how.
“The cover read: “The Big Book of Terrorist Plots.” I tried not to wave it around too much in airports.”
reminds me: (a) why I like open source (b) of Susan at Evergreen.
really nice tutorial. send to Elizabeth!
was reading Dorothea’s HEBC presentation and decided to go see her repository. and then: Nixon! 🙂
“But here’s the question: How many things have to malfunction around you before you stop calling it a coincidence and give it a name?” C has the same sort of bad electrical aura.