There’s nobody here (the whole college, almost, is at graduation), so I’m waking myself up by rawking out really hard to Pixies. This haircut is about perfect for headbanging as any grown-up looking haircut can be — go inverted bob! — and Wave of Mutilation in particular makes me feel 17 years old and ready to go fsck with the world.
Which right now means diving into some code, but that’s neither here nor there. 🙂
As should be fairly obvious, I am doing that redesign I said I wasn’t ready for. I just couldn’t help myself. It may be exceptionally ugly or strange around here for another week or so while I figure out what I’m doing…in that I’m creating a theme entirely from scratch, which I haven’t done for a while.
Media Diet, also, should be back soon.
It’s supposed to be sunny this weekend…. C wants to go to the Air show with the guys, and the downtown neighborhood assoc. has its big “yard” sale on Sunday. Plus OMG do we have a ton to do around the house/yard. Oh, and the guy who’s digging a trench for bamboo at the neighbor’s is going to take down one of our trees. (sideways-growing, half in the neighbor’s yard, spawn of the world’s tallest crabapple tree ™)
So it should be sooper-busy, hopefully all in a good way!
Also…we are doing this thing at work making “READ” posters like the ones the library assoc. does, only with Pierce College people, and I’m the person in poster #2, which Ken finished today. The poster looks pretty good. My book was DOM Scripting, and Ken used the pink in the spine along with the lime shirt I was wearing as highlight colors. (looks better than it sounds!)
Funny story: last week I was wearing that shirt, and two of our graphic designers approached me separately to ask me if I had my book with me, because that was the perfect shirt to take my picture with. Of course the book was at home, so I wore the same outfit twice in one week, because my shirt (!) had reminded them of this project.
Now that my brain’s all the way back (‘now there’s a hole in the sky…’), I’m going to get back to what I need to be doing.