with a description by gladwell’s dad of his geothermal system. the comments are pretty interesting too, not too much flaming, etc.
“in our increasingly technological society, spotting voodoo science is a skill that every citizen should develop” — and voodoo science is fscking everywhere. 🙁
way too many of the “answers” are way too weaselly for my tastes. ew.
I doubt that *this* virgo will have the opportunity for a month of leisure. ::sigh::
very elegant. (using on an FAQ project.)
“You should also be able to find your username stored in an environment variable on this page, normally in something like $_SERVER[“AUTH_USER”] or $_SERVER[“LOGON_USER”]” — just so I don’t forget. I’m starting to get ideas about customization. 🙂
we already log in, I’m just trying to figure out how to DO something with it.
more of a click-map. still quite fascinating. no access to ruby here, tho. 🙁