those would be the raccoons of the Westside, not on our side of town. 😉 but interesting to note the possibility that it’s coyotes instead. (I’ve heard of people spotting coyotes in Oly before.)
neat rollover of old map of north Tacoma with modern Google Earth. (I used to go walking in that neighborhood and in the ravine when I was in college.) I’ve always wanted to see overlays of what Tacoma used to look like!
crazy 19th century anti-women’s-sufferage propaganda, too.
“The difference is not in this early experience; the difference is in whether or not you’re prepared to let something new change your life.” YES!
“The MFA experience can confuse the writing of poetry, as a career, with the writing of a poem as a need or impulse.” I thought, briefly, a long time ago, about going for an MFA. It occurred to me even then, I think, that it was just an escape from the w
listen when NOT sitting in quiet coffeeshop