MY PRESENTATION, Y’ALL. (slides on slideshare)
Didn’t faint. [check]
Mic on correctly. [check]
Drank water. [check]
Didn’t lose my place in presentation. [check]
Stayed enthusiastic. [check]
Stayed in time, but not too short [check]
Notes [added later]
Something I forgot to talk about that I only remembered later, spurred by Amanda Costello’s “silo” keynote: often we’ve found as we work through the topics that we need to bring in people from other areas. Sometimes sessions have to be devoted to who “owns” which pieces, who’s willing to keep them up-to-date, etc. It’s even happened a few times that people working on overlapping subjects have MET each other at our work sessions.
My slides from #ConfabEDU are up! (Additional notes, eventually, at
RT @epersonae: My slides from #ConfabEDU are up! (Additional notes, eventually, at