new media

like “new market”, it’s actually about an old media, in part. one presenter is a tv guy.

thor is going to talk about blogging. (how meta.) he wants to have a dialogue.

the usual foofurah of booting up computer, etc.

shit. Web 2.0. “where blogs are moving towards”

everything you need to know: stacks and stacks of logos. web as platform vs. web as content medium.

focus on core piece: blogs. quote from Rebecca Blood handbook for the definition, and then Evan Williams. list of general characteristics. nothing I’d disagree with too strongly.

and then the why. promote, extend, showcase, enhance, articulate, invite feedback, share, etc.

use of blogging for publishing press releases, vs big-ass CMS. we’ve been doing that since 2001. not replacing but augmenting/extending.

official vs. unofficial.

page of screenshots — includes the Dean, CollegeWebEditor. the Dean rawks. (oh, and I was interviewed by CWE.)

what’s ahead? big slide with key trends (horizon report) — educause and ???. everybody says mobile devices, but they’ve been saying that for so freaking long that I just don’t believe it. mmmmm, youtube…. ah yes, commonplace in japan.

top 10 things. I just linked to that this morning! 🙂 I would love to get student services staff to commit to IM (or equivalent). ::sigh:: has resources, references.

TV guy is going w/out slides. good for him. real practical things to help us do our work better. news releases. have you changed how you do them? email, but still no response.

this is a problem.

they get 300 emails a day. how do you get your message? no attachments! better subject lines. but contrariwise, if you have photos include them. can be used on station’s website.

kid chased by deer, still pictures on website: 200k pageviews. (OMG)

some stories from colleges that get attention, although sounds like all research stuff. don’t overwhelm with text. if they’re interested, they’ll find it. keep it short and quick. (vlogs. oy.)

3 years ago they stopped holding stories for the 5pm news. just get it on the web. 10-4 is primetime for the web.

tv & computer getting closer together. (like the mobile thing, I’ve been hearing that for a long time. it’s hard for me to fight my deep native scepticism.)

if you don’t make 1st tier, might be able to get story to web.

they follow a few select RSS feeds. thor explain RSS feeds, poorly, in a few seconds.

questions about media attention? I wish I could channel Sally or Dale.

q: good days/times? most newsrooms have editorial meetings around 9am or 2/3 pm. 10 am newsconference work good. anything that’s practical, esp. if it has a photo. people who have interesting stories to tell. international stories that connect to international students.

q: picking stories that are tv-worthy? money issues can work if they reflect a trend, national scope w/local impact. might be good moments to use relationships with media people.

q: relationships? just give a call once in a while. “we have phones” — introduce yourself. like high school: you can only ask a girl out so many times. heh.

(of course, pretty much all the TV for us is regional out of Seattle. much harder to get attention.)

and then somebody from Pendleton, asking whether to send stuff to Portland media. if it’s a good story, it’s a good story. their cable uses Portland TV.

q/comment: two staffs, one for web, one for tv. back in the day, not too much journalism on their sites.

q: spokane tv site, watch editorial board mtgs. “goofiest thing ever, like watching someone getting a haircut.” sometimes we think we’re really funny. 😉 it’s an experimental phase. adding transparency to what newsgathering is.

q: what are THEY doing differently? looking for different kinds of stories? or? listening to viewers/readers more. used to be that importance was decided in the meetings (except emergencies, fire down the street), go out, get it, put it on the air. newspapers are in trouble. they did some wacky thing with the state & intel to be on the wifi at rest stops (or something). [oh, that reminds me: need to email DOT re: really nice rest stop experience on the way down.]

q: explain daily decision process. led by assignment desk people/person who has all the news releases, overnight police stuff, phone calls, etc. and they go through it. 3 stories that every station in town will do. news mgrs, reporters, photographers. collaborative. sometimes people fighting for a story. redo around 2:30 pm to review. [missed some stuff about the weekend clicking the low batter button.]

media needs access to experts. inhouse experts with blogs could be really helpful. Portland State sends them experts on the top stories of the week every week.

use departmental blogs for cherrypicking. outside of the official organization, outsiders may want to write about the college they care about. parent bloggers made an impact on schoolboard elections in pdx.

q to thor: in collaborative enviroment, how do you see blogging changing college’s approach to providing web site? every CC president should have a blog. (hm.) inviting comments. (!!!! I think have some links about particular experiences with that.) blogs cowritten by CEOs w/marketing. (not super-impressed with the answer. I think there’s something deeper, about how that “core” of the site works, how students use it, etc. but I don’t have the answers either.)

q: missed. trends, maybe? crime that doesn’t impact you isn’t important, but some stations think it is. lazy journalism. (that’s been going on since I was a kid, at least.)  electronic journalism is being challenged to do good journalism.

and then the battery died.  nothing else more to report, really.  some good chitchat over the break.  tool called kidblog?  for super-simple blogging.