You got your peanut butter in my chocolate! (Running Parallels and Boot Camp on the same Mac.)(tags: mac)
A nice general article on web standards, as a profile of the mighty Z. (I just wish that most sites were run with web standards. that’d be the day.)
yeah, right.(tags: .net)
big list of web-based versions of various business/productivity software
oh, that reminded me that I loaned a student worker at Pierce my copy of Veen’s book — the one that I got for my Blogger template design (bracket town!), and never got it back.
(tags: web_dev) -
send this to Emmett.(tags: drupal)
“NetEquality’s largest setup includes 350 apartments that use 75 nodes and just four DSL Internet connections.” (on page 2) there you are, then.(tags: wifi)