I suppose I should be doing this.
“And one study of Olympia, Wash., found that parking and driveways occupied twice as much land as the buildings that they served.” via OlyBlog. (Don’t get me started about strip-mall parking.)
hell and/or damn. this is so very frustrating. (branch maps.)
people really are begging for this.
no comment, except to say that it looks like my old job will be filled about one YEAR after I left.
Apparently, a hot bath “makes the blood vessels in your extremities dilate and help cool the body.” Fascinating. Profiler suggestions: maybe look at getting a better bed, and try to relax more before sleep. Imagine that. 😛
It’s boggling how important writing is to web design. In a good way (for me) though.
If only IT departments generally got the same kind of customer service training that tellers & call center people do…or conversely, the web application usability training that I’ve put myself through informally.
I would hazard a guess that HTC made my MDA. (mmmm, TLAs….)
aha! yipee!
“Elizabeth changed medications for her depression, and her life began to brighten” — a fascinating story on many levels.
I should probably read this. It’s just not working in my brain right now.