“the 5W paperback-sized PC” – via C. it’s quite adorable, tho the RAM included is pretty meager.
“Yes, I’ve come to a legitimate art museum to see a Photoshopped portrait of a television political satirist that’s hanging next to the restrooms. Not only that, but there’s a line of other people who are here for the same reason.”
comment #2 hits the nail precisely on the head. also, Shelley’s extensive quoting of WaSP (etc) from 2000 captures, I think, why this is such an emotional topic. (so emotional that I needed an hour of IM time to keep from FREAKING OUT, as in, way beyond w
I want to be a writer again.
“It’s kind of hard to fly under the radar when you are applauded for innovation in Library Journal.” — I find the whole idea troubling; the same way it irks me that I can’t use TRL’s online audiobook setup on the pod.
“Noblesse oblige. Since we know more and can do more and better things with web sites, more is expected of us.” oy. thanks a lot. ::rolls eyes::
“Each new version of Windows introduces new APIs while attempting to maintain compatibility with old APIs, even to the point of mimicking buggy behavior.” – connects the IE8 thing to OS issues.
Mark Pilgrim’s links. I find his tag name amusing.
“What if this JS widget is designed for IE 7 and my page is designed for IE 6?” — oh, I hadn’t thought about that at all. Theoretically, that could be ugly. (also, check out the EOL dates in the comments! OMG!)
“it’s time they started earning their money instead of letting Dreamweaver do their jobs” – never mind the rest of the article (not much new here), I just love that line.
“It’s furry, and purrs quietly when you pet it.” 🙂
I will almost certainly need this later.
stylin’! I’d like to see more home design that honestly incorporates the needs of pets.
trippy. reminds me of adolescent dinners out with friends, in a very obscure way.
“I’d hold a press conference and say that ONLY an atheist should be president, in the same way you want a eunuch to guard your harem.” – as usual, very very weird, and yet, quite funny, and also: shockingly true.
from Dylan. this sounds freakin’ tasty. when I make chili, I start with a Jamie Oliver (yeah, I know) recipe. there are definitely some things to try here, especially with the spicing, which has given me trouble.
scary story at the bottom of the comments, which are also quite rich in other ideas.
Huckabee wigs me out.
“I think we could make Iraq a very peaceful country just by dumping a few plane-loads of cash all over it.” — I’ve actually been known to make this argument occasionally in serious conversation.
sounds startlingly tasty.