“Few of the archaeologists who authored the plan have made their identities public, fearing being branded traitors by their own people, losing their jobs, or even being killed” — thinking that the whole idea of holy places is deeply fscked up.
omg so very cute. makes me want to get back to jewelry-making
randomly, this contains some good tips on buying knives. (geek guy likes to cook, apparently.)
totally want this book.
I’m not entirely sure why, but it cracks me up that pretty much every comment says “[n] does that.” Apparently, “last generation” is better than now on the iPhone. 😛 (And yes, our craptacular ancient vmail system at Pierce did forwarding too.)
weird and awesome.
“This is like, ‘Boy boils egg.’ He did something that any 9-year-old could do.” — no kidding. includes link to that map. also, love the Sherlock reference in the comments, and note the “if this were a black or Latino kid on welfare, would anyone have not
lord amighty, I need one of these. (via dori)
follow to the site…even more graphics available there!
I ::heart:: tiny computers. (via vanessa tan)
Vanessa’s take. “In terms of performance, I felt it ran like a normal-sized laptop PC, though I’ll leave it to the serious reviewers to do their performance tests.”
(need to check on external vendor….)
as I said on my friend Joe’s blog, sleep deprivation is one of the scourges of western civilization.
don’t get me started about ants. getting Terro (or just some Borax, I think we have powdered sugar) NOW!!!!