gotta love the way the MLM people come out of the woodwork to defend this sort of thing. bleh.
Oh, I haven’t made fudge in YEARS. (was a thing for a while in high school, IIRC.) am drooling now.
just for reference. I love physicsdiet.com, but it’s always good to have a local alternative. (All my data is also stored in a Mobile Excel spreadsheet on my phone, too.)
how lame is that?!
exactly. (my actual comments are at #7.)
beautiful. (in that mid-century sexy/sexist bond way.) I read a bunch of these in junior high (yes, really) and wouldn’t mind trying them again now that I actually understand.
we go thru oatmeal phases. will have to remember this the next time we start getting a hankering for oatmeal. (already have oatmeal, sugar, salt & raisins!)