Tear Down This Myth: How the Reagan Legacy Has Distorted Our Politics and Haunts Our Future

Tear Down This Myth: How the Reagan Legacy Has Distorted Our Politics and Haunts Our Future

author: Will Bunch
name: Elaine
average rating: 3.96
book published: 2009
rating: 3
read at: 2009/03/31
date added: 2009/04/16
shelves: biography, history, politics
A short book with a very readable style, punctures the recent pro-Reagan rhetoric, particularly about the economy & the end of the Cold War, also about Reagan’s popularity during his actual time in office. I think I read a magazine article that was an excerpt; my only complaint about the book is that it gets repetitive occasionally, as if padding out an article. Nothing super-duper surprising, even from my vague memories of the era. (I was 6 when he was elected the first time, and his election is basically the first political event I remember.) Although I will say that I was interested and impressed by Bunch’s depictions of Reagan’s moves towards the middle, in fact his totally pragmatic approach to any particular situation.