Confessions of a Public Speaker

Confessions of a Public Speaker

author: Scott Berkun
name: Elaine
average rating: 4.00
book published: 2009
rating: 5
read at: 2010/05/22
date added: 2010/05/24
shelves: autobiography, business, non-fiction, self-help, wishlist
Not your typical public speaking handbook — in the same way that Making Things Happen (aka The Art of Project Management) is not your typical project management handbook. Berkun is smart, weird, and funny. He writes about public speaking in such an honest and energetic way that I almost want to try it more myself…which is a huge thing for me. Lots of factoids, big-picture advice, and some little fiddly tips, but mostly, it’s storytelling about speaking in public, and using those stories to point to bigger concepts. If you ever have to present to any sort of group, read this! I’d buy a copy, for sure.

(BTW, I’ve seen him speak, and he’s pretty good.)