author: Cory Doctorow
name: Elaine
average rating: 3.73
book published: 2010
rating: 4
read at: 2010/05/20
date added: 2010/05/24
shelves: fiction, kid-lit, sci-fi
I read this one entirely online. (Yay for the Readability bookmarklet.) Found it immediately engrossing, loved the characters — like Little Brother, technologically-savvy but not always particularly aware teens for the most part. This one adds a couple of adults as secondary POV characters. There are a couple of lumps of info sections, mostly about economics, but I actually learned something reading them. (I swear, I actually understand inflation better now.) The politics are bracing in their forthrightness. But it also acknowledges, to some extent, the ambiguity of reality. Enjoyed a great deal, may buy a donation copy for a school.