- it's June? 57F (up from 52 this am) overcast, windy. this makes bike commute way less fun than it shd b. at least it's not raining. ::sigh:: #
- @poplarware may be interested in vol for drupalclinic, also carpooling from oly, but my groups.drupal.org acct "appears to have problems" 🙁 #
- @simonstl that was about the same time I learned it! (reading the manual when it was slow at the children's museum front desk. yes, really.) in reply to simonstl #
- Agreed! RT @fakebaldur: Oooh, ooooh: http://mzl.la/aCkz16 Want want want want want want want! Bigger than font-face for web design. #
- grar…google background image: DO NOT WANT. (also: jeff koons? really?!?!) #
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