- dude. seriously. RT @bhenick: RT @lindsayevans: /*[if lte IE 6] * { position: just-sit-still-or-ill-cut-you-fucker; } [endif]*/ #
- @pat_ramsey if that's the same one, @olybuzz loved that episode. I haven't yet had a chance to watch. in reply to pat_ramsey #
- @kitchenmage point taken. ::sigh:: in reply to kitchenmage #
- apparently I may have text-shadow OR box-shadow in IE, but not BOTH at the same time. grumble grumble grumble. #
- @kitchenmage it seems straightforward to me (not having read link) that power is an intoxicant. abuse is abt power, no? in reply to kitchenmage #
- #TinyDeclaration govt comes from consent of gov'd for good society. you blew it @kinggeorge3, we asked nice, now we're going it on our own. #
- feeling like a grump about dog in the office. putting on headphones…now. ah, early bowie. #
- @intercitytransi I hadn't realized it was TWICE the normal rainfall. (I rode abt 50 mi less in 2010 than in May 2009.) in reply to intercitytransi #
- @bhenick I was taking a look at that, and I'm actually intrigued. seems a lot like AP, only modern. in reply to bhenick #
- RT @rshevlin: Reporter wants 2 talk abt "potential dangers of social networking in bank setting" Well, u cd hit yr head on PC while blogging #
- @UWdigiCollec that bottom-left picture looks like a hazing ritual! in reply to UWdigiCollec #
- otoh, I just had a sandwich made with homemade english muffin bread. nomnomnom. #
- @simonstl embarrassed to say that made me hungry for nuggets. :\ (strange but true: I ate a lot of happy meals while losing weight.) #
- reviewing my notes from @itsjustbrent's session last week. o the crypticness. #
- good grief I've been blogging a long time. @jbertrand's tweet inspired me to find this post: http://bit.ly/a9rZeU – from almost 8 yrs ago! #
- @jbertrand I was still there when they first put it in, and we felt strongly about recognizing her in what was then the new museum. in reply to jbertrand #
- @simonstl re college: a return to apprenticeship, basically. (agreed abt math as the new Latin, btw.) in reply to simonstl #
- @jbertrand I get emotional too, mostly because of http://bit.ly/dbv9IP (I worked with Becka.) in reply to jbertrand #
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